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Political Sciences Faculty a.y. 2006-2007
Corso di Laurea in Scienze Internazionali e Diplomatiche
Insegnamento di Statistica - 6 CFU

where, when, what
First of all, welcome!
My lessons will be held at the "P.U.G." in Gorizia (do you know where is it?), starting from early march 2007 until late may 2007, according to the following timetable and with this official program. Roughly speaking, during the course we will touch five subjects:
  • a refresh of basic math tools, as exponential, logarithmic functions, the derivative and integral
  • the so-called descriptive statistics (which deals with stuff like average, mean, median, standard deviations, correlation ...)
  • the elementary probability theory (i.e. what is probability, conditional probability, random variable, normal distribution, ..)
  • the inferential statistics (more or less, how can we estimate some unknown parameters of a certain population simply studying a little sample of it, or how can we decide if a character depends or not from another)
  • an introduction to the statistical methods in economics
how can we meet
Very easy: 
write me an e-mail and we will organize a meeting at my office, and I will explain you in detail all about books, dates, exam. Briefly, you may decide to come at lesson and to choose wether to:
  • do a classical exam (70% written + 30% oral)
  • do a set of tests during the course
or study the subject on your own, according a precise list of tasks.  When you decide to make the exam, you will be required to announce yourself.